Quality Policy

Matkem System Supply and Engineering Co., Ltd. is committed to being a leader in sales, engineering, environmental, and technology for energy supplies and other energy related services. It recognizes the importance of product and service quality. The management and all staff are committed to carry out activities for the quality management system standards.

quality-policy.pngThe policy is as follows:

  1. Distributing engineering systems, technology, energy, and environment related machinery products. It also includes for automotive parts and electronics supplies with quality standards. The products must satisfy customers.
  2. Providing straightforward and appropriate consultation on engineering system design, related products, and products related to energy, environment, etc. to the client’s to achieve the customer performance and satisfaction.
  3. Providing installation, repair and after-sales service on machinery system to impress and improve the quality of services provided by the Company.
  4. Complying with the government laws, rules, and regulations concerning the quality of products. This includes the customer agreement.
  5. Using the policy framework for reviews on objectives on quality.
  6. Raising personnel awareness on the quality of products and services by providing training to staff.

The Company and all personnel will adhere to the quality policy and ready to strictly meet the guideline requirements in order to achieve the policy under the motto: “to be customer-oriented and to continuously improve product and service” as the slogan of company is;



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