Quality Objective


To follow the Company’s quality policy, there are 2019 qualitative objectives as per below.

  1. The satisfaction scores in sales must not be lower than 80% per year per project.
  2. The numbers of complaints should not be over than 8% per year.
  3. The double repair jobs within 7 days should not be over than 14% per year.
  4. The numbers of turn over should not be over than 15% per year.
  5. The numbers of purchasing errors should not be over than 2% per year.
  6. The numbers of product inspection errors should not be over than 5% per year.
  7. The difference between product stock and accounting inventory should not be exceeded than 1,000 Baht per 6 months.
  8. The delay in machine installation should not be over than 3%.
  9. Test run results after machine installation must be 100% activation.


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